
S.NO Type of pump Range of Pump Depth Liter Per day Liter per Minute
1. DC Surface 2HP (1800 Watt) 50 FT 150000 352
2. DC Surface 3HP (2700 Watt) 70 FT 110000 260
3. AC / DC Submersible 1.8 HP (1400 Watt) 100 FT 50000 119
4. AC Submersible 2HP (2000 Watt) 50 FT 110000 266
5. AC Submersible 3HP (3000 Watt) 100 FT 100000 233
6. AC Submersible 4HP (3960 Watt) 148 FT 100000 233
7. AC Submersible 5HP (5000 Watt) 200 FT 100000 233
8. AC Submersible 6HP (6000 Watt) 250 FT 70000 167
9. AC Submersible 7.5HP (7360 Watt) 300 FT 85000 200
10. AC Submersible 10HP (7360 Watt) 400 FT 85000 200

Feature and Benefits of Solar Pump

  • Available in both type surface and submersible
  • Applicable for all type of bore, ponds ect.
  • Maintenance free / low AC/AC branded pumps fits and forget
  • No any running cost, freedom free electricity bills
  • Complete mounting structure (power coated) with tracking System
  • It can supply water at flow rate of 1000 L / min or more
  • It can work for more than 100 meter depth
  • Properly designed AC drives to run AC pump with solar modules.